CORSE - 2016
Research Program
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Research Program
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

CIFRE contracts

  • Corse is involved in a contract with Kalray associated with the CIFRE PhD of Duco van Amstel who defended in Spring 2016. The subject of the collaboration is related to fine grain scheduling.

  • Corse is involved in a contract with Aselta for the CIFRE thesis of Nassim Halli. Nassim Halli was advised by Henri-Pierre Charles (CEA LIST, Grenoble and Jean-François Méhaut. The subject of this thesis is the code optimization of Java Applications. The thesis was defended in October 2016.

  • Corse is also involved in a contract with STMicroelectronics for the CIFRE thesis of Oleg Iegorov. The subject of this thesis is a Data Mining Approach to Temporal Debugging of Embedded Streaming Applications. Oleg Iegorov was advised by the SLIDE LIG team and the Corse Inria team. The thesis was defended in April 2016.